Before you just start submitting your RSS feed, you need to make sure your RSS feed is formed properly, this is accomplished through validation. If your feed is wrong, aggregators will not be able to read your feed, thus you will be losing not only subscribers but also readers.
The most important factor is to have an easy way for your visitors to subscribe to your RSS such as with a button on your homepage or even on each article or post to your blog. This way, they not have to perform any extra work to subscribe making it a more pleasant task. Too many times, webmasters do not provide the tools needed to subscribe or the RSS feed is not created properly, thus visitors are not subscribing to your feed.
Even the placement of the subscribe button is very important. Visitors normally only look at what they see on the screen when they first arrive to your website, unless they wish to read more. The subscribe button should be in plain sight when they arrive. This will allow them to subscribe immediately instead of searching for the button or leaving your website before hitting the button.
Promotion is the next thing on the list is you want to succeed. Just like any website, your RSS feed needs marketing and promoting in order to obtain loyal subscribers.
Email is a great promotional tool. For webmasters that have an email list or subscribers to their newsletter, the promotion is easy. All you need to do is announce the new RSS feed in your newsletter or send out a personal email to your email list. A personal message is always a nice idea for any type of promotion.
If you visit specific blogs or forums regularly, you can easily add your details in your signature or on your profile page so those interested can learn more about your new added feature.
Write and send out a press release! Many times webmasters over look this tool that can actually bring more subscribers faster than other promotional tools. The main reason this is true is that press releases will target those interested in your topics, thus bringing your more visitors and subscribers.
Remember, just by adding a RSS feed to your website will not provide overnight success. It takes work, but by implementing these tips, you will succeed at getting more subscribers and readers.
Making Your Own RSS Feeds How to Get Updates Via RSS Security and RSS
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