Sunday, November 25, 2012

Popular Blog Software With RSS Functionality

Selecting a well-known publishing system is usually a fool-proof option for the novice blogger. This kind of software is great because it comes packed with core features to build up a professional-looking website in no time. Problem here, however, is that unless such blog has a unique design it might not catch the eye of the surfers at first glance.

Unique layouts combined with unique features make a blog one of a kind. While this goal can be achieved adding plug-ins and custom themes to scripts such as WordPress, B2evolution or Nucleus, there are countless blogging scripts that can substitute the above blogging solutions efficiently, but not all them have RSS functionality.

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an important feature that a good blogger should not miss out. Syndicating publishing news is the best way to drive traffic to any blog or website, since this service is helpful to get it listed on search engines in real time.

Serendipity, Open Blog, LifeType, Dotclear, Textpattern, eggBlog, Pixie and PivotX, are examples of blog software than substitutes WP and other publishing platforms without losing RSS functionality. Each and every of these solutions provide feeds every time a new content is added, but have different options to manage the blog and configure its look and feel. You would like to try these before going to find something else.

However, many open source publishing systems offer simplified functions that make blogging a breeze, but remove RSS from the core features. Some people believe this problem occurs when the chosen blog is powered by a database type other than MySQL, but is not that way.

There are good flat text database blogs that include RSS functionality, and there are complex blogs that rely on a MySQL database, which lack of RSS feeds. The adventurous blogger has to try all those scripts on a test server before actually decide what suite his or her needs best.

Finding blog software different to the popular publishing systems that all people use to blog is really easy, but testing these scripts is time consuming and may bring unexpected surprises, including the finding of the perfect blog system.

For the past few years blogs have been the most popular solution to build an online presence. Regardless the content or your specialty niche, set up a blog is worth, but remember to select a software solution capable to produce RSS feeds.

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How to Use RSS Feeds

The RSS is a technology that allows the subscriber to receive updates from their preferred sites. The news is collected at a central location which makes it easier for the end user who does not have to go through each website independently. For those interested in utilizing the RSS feeds, they would greatly benefit from the information provided below.

The requirements

The first step will involve selecting a suitable RSS program. The RSS aggregator is a vital tool that has to be acquired in order to use the RSS feeds. For those who make use of more than one computer, their web-based aggregator would be the perfect choice. The aggregator allows one to view the RSS feeds. Newsgator is a good example of an RSS site that positions the RSS feeds into independent web pages that can be accessed from virtually any computer that has internet connection. For people who use one computer all day through, they can take advantage of an RSS aggregator that is fitted within the web browser. Another option would be to have the RSS aggregator directly downloaded to the computer.

Locate an RSS feed

In order to identify if a site has RSS feeds, you can try and locate the RSS icon on top of the web page. In most cases, the icon is endowed with very bright colors and strong graphics with an aim of making it stand out. Some sites will further have the icon displayed on each and every page. If you have a web browser like Firefox or internet explorer 7, then you can benefit from automatic updates.

RSS Subscription

As you learn how to use RSS feeds, it is essential to make a subscription. This can be achieved with the aid of an RSS aggregator. The procedure would involve copying and pasting the web address directly to the aggregator. Notably, the aggregators will differ in their function ability and you will have those that allow automatic subscriptions. Simply click on the left of the orange colored RSS sign or the logo on the aggregator.

Another option would be to click on the right of the RSS logo and on the left of the copy shortcut. Go ahead and then copy and paste out the URL into the RSS aggregator.

As you continue to learn how to use RSS feeds, the next step would involve being able to view the feeds displayed. The role of the RSS aggregator is to provide the subscriber with automatic updates as soon as they come in. As a subscriber, you do not have to make any effort towards getting feeds. The RSS aggregator you use will either display the whole article or just a line or two.

It is therefore important for the subscriber to learn about the features of the different RSS aggregators before making the final choice. Most of the aggregators can be downloaded free of charge from the internet. If you have an intention of learning how to use RSS feeds, keeping the above points in mind is a definite plus.

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How to Display RSS Feeds on Your Website - Follow These Steps

RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication". It's used to publish frequently updated content to a reader which can be web, desktop or even mobile-device based. It's a great way to add content to your site because it will update at intervals that you choose, keeping your sites content current and more relevant to your audience.

RSS feeds contain news stories, blogs, videos and even webpage's. More than likely you've seen these feeds while searching the web. Have you ever noticed the orange icons that appear in certain web pages, those indicate that the page or content on that page is an RSS feed.

It's easy to find feeds, simply type in the type of feed you are looking for into your favorite search engine and include "RSS" in your search. For example, say you are interested in cars; search for cars +RSS feed. Maybe you like gardening; try gardening +RSS feed. Most major news sites have feeds as do the major search engines.

When you find a site that has the RSS feed you want you'll need to copy the link. Look for the orange icon then right mouse click either the orange icon or the title next to it; from the pop-up menu choose "copy link location" and paste into a document for later. The link will usually include the words "RSS" or "feed" to identify it as a feed. Some times the link will contain extra code when coping the link in this method, simply remove everything after the rss/ or feed/.

Know that you have a feed that you are interested in it's time to get it on your web site. You could add a feed to your site by entering XML code but it's far easier and quicker to go to a website that does this for you. Remember the point of adding the RSS feed is to add current content to your site not to spend time learning XML code.

There are many sites that can add a feed to your site, simply search for "adding RSS feed to website" and you will get quite a large list.

When you decide on a site you will need to register with them; most sites are free or offer a certain amount of RSS feeds for free.

Some sites give you the option to choose the format of the feed such as HTML, Flash, and PDF.

You will have the option to filter the feeds, allowing you to receive the exact content that you are looking for.

Once you have completed your selections you will be given some code to paste into your site. The whole process should only take about 10-15 minutes. Your site will receive continuous and current information on a daily basis to engage your audience.

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The ABC of RSS

To understand what Really Simple Syndication means, let us start with the basics. Syndication is an activity consisting in re-publishing content that comes from a source other than the website, which is making available such content.

Syndication allows websites to publicize any content change that takes place, including the addition of new articles, and updates or removals of existing content. These changes are broadcast by means of RSS feeds. Content owners can set up the format of the feed and its content, which can be limited to provide only a summary report, or enhanced including photos, the full story or article, as well as other information.

Skimming through the information delivered by an RSS feed is advantageous for web surfers who receive a useful site overview that help them to decide if it is worth visiting the source, which is easily identifiable because feeds usually include a link to the source in the title of each update.

RSS benefits both web publishers and Internet surfers; the first can spread the word about site updates, while the second can easily stay informed without needing to visit the website at first. If you are a website owner that are not delivering RSS feeds yet, what are you waiting for.

RSS is for all and it does not really matter the niche your website belongs in or how often you update the content. Even sites that update rarely can benefit from Really Simple Syndication as soon as new content comes out; hence, there is not need to wait for the next search engine crawling.

As a reader, these feeds are a big saving on surfing time, because once subscribed to a feed service, the surfer receives the updates that he or she wants, updates that can be prioritized, categorized or filtered according each one needs, but an aggregator is required for this task. Aggregators are RSS readers that are available even for free download or used straight from almost any web browser.

On the other hand, with RSS feeds surfers take control of the information they want to receive. Overtime email has not been the effective updating tool that it was in the early days. Fearing a spam avalanche is the main concern preventing people to subscribe a newsletter regardless opt-in lists allow unsubscribing any time.

However, with RSS, the reader keep control all the time, to either subscribe, unsubscribe or make selective choices from the received content, stopping the inbox cluttering that regular email updates cause.

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History of RSS

Netscape was the inventor of RSS as they wanted to distribute news, information, and stories using an XML format. After refining the RSS version, they decided to drop the project. After this time, Userland Software gained control of the specifications and began working to develop a revolutionary version.

At the same time in which Userland Software gained control of the specifications so did a non-commercial group, which in turn released their version. This may sound a bit strange, but this is the way in which many software programs have developed over the years with one company creating their version and so on and so forth.

If you take a closer look at the history of RSS, you can look at the creation of RDF in 1997, which is very similar to RSS. Ramanathan V. Guha created RDF (Resource Description Framework).

The RDF was used initially to store what is known as metadata. This is nothing more than the news report with the metadata becoming the author as well as the language and copyright of all information regarding the news report.

In 1999, the RSS version 0.90 was created by Netscape. This was just the beginning. Netscape did create another version known as RSS version 0.91. Userland Software employee, Dave Winer came out with a new version and named it RSS version 0.91, which of course brought about much confusion even though there were differences.

Netscape dropped RSS, as it was a bit more complicated than what they were looking to use. At about the same time, O'Reilly released RSS version 1.0. This version was based on the RDF standard instead of other version of RSS. The problem was that RSS 1.0 was not compatible with other versions, once again bringing on more confusion as it did the same function but with different specifications.

The specifications of RSS needed to be endorsed so it would benefit all users. Due to this, it was donated to third party, which was Harvard Law School, which is now responsible for all revisions.

As you can see, RSS has been around quite awhile. The problem is that those creating new versions are so close to other versions that it can be very difficult to understand. The good news is that today, you can easily use RSS feeds to stay up to date on the latest news or to provide your subscribers with information immediately after your company releases the update.

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Promotion Guide for RSS Feeds

By using this guide, you will be able to promote your RSS feeds in the best way possible to bring more targeted traffic.

RSS Directories

Submitting your feeds to RSS directories will give you links to your website as well as allow internet users to find you under their favorite categories. The more links you have to your feed, the more popular search engines will think you are, which helps you rate higher. This means that for your keywords those looking for RSS feeds will be able to find you in search engines such as Google and Yahoo. You should only submit your feeds in the correct category and use the proper keywords to ensure your feed can be found by those that are interested in your subject matter.

RSS feed Buttons

Your RSS feed button should be bright and ensure that visitors will find the feed. If you only have a link, your visitors will search and not find the feed. This will allow your visitors to shop around to other websites that have graphics placed in plain sight for their feeds. The feed button should be placed in the upper one third of the page usually in the upper left or right hand side of the page.

The Media

You should submit a press release. You can write the press release and submit it yourself, or hire a press release writer to do the work. Press releases are not written like other articles or posts on your website. In order for the release to be sent out, it must be written in a certain manner. If you do not know how to write a press release, you should hire a writer to ensure your release is accepted by the media.


If you have subscribers to your newsletter, then you have a great promotion tool. You can easily embed a link to your RSS feed in your newsletter. This way those that are subscribed to your newsletter can easily subscribe to your RSS feed and receive real time news as soon as your publish the content.

If you frequent blogs, you have another great resource for getting the word out about your new RSS feed. You can send out emails to the blogs you read and ask them to add a link on their blog. Some blogs will add a link for a small fee while others may only want a reciprocate link on your website or blog to theirs.

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Importance of RSS Subscriptions

Even the younger generation want to stay up to date with the latest news on their favorite topics whether it is the latest new gadget or new cell phone on the market. The way this can be done is by the usage of RSS subscriptions.

Many website today use RSS feeds to provide titles and short blurbs when they post new articles. To get anyone to subscribe to RSS feeds the information must be unique and interesting. No matter the topic whether it is games, technology, or gadgets, if you have an RSS feed then you will get subscribers.

For those that are looking for information and news RSS feeds will provide real time news and events. Whatever the topic, there are many different websites that allow readers to subscribe to feeds that will provide them with real time up dates as soon as they are posted. IF the reader is interested in the topic, they will click the link and go to the website to read more regarding the subject.

For the webmaster, receiving more subscribers is very important, as it will provide them with targeted traffic that are really interested in the topic.

RSS offers the title and a short blurb of the post the webmaster posted as soon as the post was placed on the website. This means that your readers will immediately see news, events, and information as soon as it happens. This will give you a great reputation for providing news in a timely manner on your website.

Instead of just posting your RSS feed, you can add more website feeds to your website on the same topic which will help your feed become more popular. This is not only for readers but also for search engines. By subscribing to feeds that offer the same topic keywords in your feed, search engines will place you higher in their ranking for those keywords so your website will be found easier for those that are want to keep up to date on the subject matter.

As you can see, RSS subscriptions are important for both the reader and the publisher. RSS feeds are the best way to go for both whether keeping your readers informed in real time or keeping up to date with the latest topics of your choice.

If you are a webmaster, use RSS feeds to obtain more subscribers and if you are a reader, stay on top of the latest news by subscribing to your favorite websites feeds.

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Subscribing to an RSS Feed

The use of RSS has become popular among many webmasters. RSS is a technology that involves providing readers with news and recent updates. One advantage of this technology is that it is not affected by spam and therefore the content is delivered.

The main objective behind using RSS technology is to market a website or a blog. The readers have to make use of an RSS reader in order to subscribe for their preferred RSS feeds. The RSS readers are available in different types with the most common being the desktop applications and web based aggregators. Other types of RSS readers include the plug-in aggregator, the email client aggregator and the mobile device aggregator. The RSS readers can be downloaded free of charge from the web.

The desktop applications comprise of all the RSS subscriptions and are available on the web. One does not have to receive irrelevant information since they have an opportunity to subscribe to a particular feed that interest them. The main advantage of the RSS feeds is that one does not have to get information forced on them. With the desktop application, one is able to classify the desktop feeds that they subscribe to. Once the RSS desktop application reader is open, it will automatically update all the new postings that you have subscribed to. It is worth noting that the publisher has total control of the content that is placed on the feeds.

The web based aggregators are also available online and make it possible for one to subscribe to the RSS feeds. One can gain access to the RSS feeds that are show cased on the webpage with the use of an internet browser like Firefox. The Google reader is a good example of a web based aggregator.

In order to make a subscription to an RSS feed, the starting point would be to identify an RSS icon on the site you visit. In most cases the icon will be displayed at the top of the home page with some websites even going as far as displaying the icon on every other web page. Once you have identified the RSS icon on the site, open up the feed and locate the URL. Go ahead to copy and paste the URL to the RSS reader of your choice and then make a subscription.

Most of the web browsers like internet explorer and Firefox will have the automatic discovery feature that enables the RSS feeds to make automatic detections of the new feeds. You will identify the RSS icon on the left of the URL. The simple procedure would be to click on the RSS icon so as to get to the most updated RSS feeds. After making your subscription, you will be able to be to see the latest news and developments in your areas of interest.

The procedure of subscribing to an RSS feed is quite easy and most importantly it comes at no cost.

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Using RSS Feeds to Get More Backlinks

One of the best ways to obtain backlinks for your RSS feed is by submitting the feed to RSS directories. Many news sites will also list your feeds which will help improve your ranking and help you get even more backlinks. Search engine give higher rankings to websites offering RSS feeds which helps to place you at the top of the searches for your specific keywords. This means that you can even receive more backlinks as more people will be able to find your website and your feed.

What happens when you have a RSS feed is that those interested in your topic will grab your feed to include on their website, to read via a website offering a RSS reader, or on their desktop?

In order to submit your RSS feed you will need to find the most popular or best directories. Just use your favorite search engine and begin your search for RSS directory sites. This will be the beginning to get your feed listed. This will take you quite a bit of time to submit your site manually, but the end results will be wonderful.

You need to pay close attention when you are submitting your feed as some of the directories do not include the URL to your RSS feed but only links to your blog. This may not be the best way for you to go if you wish to have more subscribers to your RSS feed and more backlinks to the feed.

A few of the top RSS directories include blogbunch, blog-collector, bloggapedia, bloginess, blogpulse, blogrollcenter, feedmap, and feedplex, to name a few.

If you happen to be looking for a different solution than submitting to every RSS directory, you can find websites that help you promote your feed. This type of website offers a wide array of promotional tools including the ability to measure your audience, share, and bookmark all with one tool.

With this bit of knowledge, you should now be able to get those backlinks, more visitors, and more subscribers in a short amount of time. When all those content hungry individuals find your feed they are sure to start coming and before long, you will have a large fan base and be known as an expert in your field. All this is accomplished with a RSS feed added to your website and a few hours of promotion. Make your RSS feed work for you by getting more backlinks.

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How to Distribute Your RSS Feeds

Does not really matter what your blogging platform is, the fact is that if you have set up a blog it is more likely your software has RSS capabilities. This function can be enabled from the administration control panel, usually under the "reading" option, but it can be located elsewhere. In poorly structured web applications, this feature cannot be configured but still coded into it.

Whenever the configuration section is present, you will be have two possible options to choose from; number of RSS feeds to be distributed and format of the feeds; full text or summary. Publishing systems such as WordPress may offer extended functionality by means of add-on plug-ins, but since there are so many of these, we will not focus on any in particular.

Going back with the basic configuration, select how many feeds you want to syndicate. The default and average number is ten, but you can deliver as many or as little as you want. This number should match the type of feeds accordingly. Full-text feeds are best suited for a low number range, while summary feeds can be more than ten or, even less feeds, which is mostly recommended when the site does not produce many content or news on a regular basis.

Having setup this basic configuration, get ready to go farther. A popular RSS distribution service that usually comes integrated into most blog publishing system is Ping-O-Matic, a free online service committed to save your time pinging and delivering your news to some of the most popular updating services on the net... However, not to all them!

Distributing your feeds manually can be a rough time, but the effort put into this task is really worth to unleash RSS potential. Even easier if your blog publishing system allows to enumerate the updating services that you want to ping, or if each new published article includes a field to list what the services to send pings and trackbacks should be contacted on submitting the new content.

Naturally, make sure to include in your web design a link to your RSS feeds, if those links do not already exist in your navigation bar. You may also add a notice to invites surfers to subscribe and stay informed. They say one should not put all the eggs in the same basket, so do not set for a pre-configured pinging service, research for a whole list of RSS distribution websites and go for them.

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Using RSS As Part Of Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

What's your strategy when it comes to inserting social media marketing into the mix of your overall internet marketing strategy? Do you plan on using Twitter? Facebook? Myspace? LinkedIn? Or Ning? No matter what your strategy is, you need a way to monetize these different services, and use your time wisely on these social networking sites.

But one form of social marketing that a lot of business owners don't use is something called "RSS marketing". This is a Web 2.0 strategy, and it's very simple to use. RSS stands for "really simple syndication", and it's a great way to get your content and articles on other peoples' website in a hurry.

One of the fastest ways to get an RSS feed is to start off with a blog. Now there is a very technical way to create your own RSS feed from scratch, but I'm willing to bet that you don't want to learn about this technique - especially if you're not a computer wizard. Luckily, there's a free service that can create your RSS feed for you.

This site is called And it's free to use, just like a popular blogging platform called Both of these easy services can help you to get into a niche, make a name for yourself, distribute content all over the internet, and get tons of traffic in return for no cost whatsoever.

I like Blogger because they're easy to work with. But not only that, they can become quite possible. I know a guy who makes over $100,000 with his simple, plain looking blogger blog, but his information is incredible and he has a lot of subscribers. I'm willing to bet that RSS marketing played a hand in the role in having him make so much money also.

When getting your RSS feed from Feedburner, you have to make the decision if you want to use the default "Atom" RSS feed from Blogger, or use the one from Feedburner. I personally think you should use the one from Feedburner because it's simple, effective, attractive, and very easy to use.

Some people feel that RSS marketing will replace email marketing, but I don't agree with this notion. Email marketing has its place in the world, and so does RSS marketing. But to think that one will cancel the other one out is just ridiculous. Both of these techniques still work, and will work into the definite future.

If you want your subscribers to get fresh new content, start using RSS in collaboration with your blog everyday. It's the smart thing to do, and you don't have to spend a dime when it comes to setting this up and promoting your site or blog. I like RSS, and I think it's something that you should look more into.

The more you study about RSS marketing, the more likely it is that you will use it, and use it effectively for your business. Get started on it right now before you forget about it.

Be sure to put these RSS tips to use into your business today.

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Rich Site Summary Feeds and Traffic Building 101

If you are one of those who loves technology and everything that has to do with the Internet, websites, and how they work, or if you are one of those persons who owns a website and want to know what you can do in terms of getting more daily visits then there are a few basic things that you should know about RSS Feeds and Traffic Building. Now, maybe you are not aware of this, but both of these elements are of extreme importance for the Internet to function correctly; they not only help those interested always get the latest news and information updates, but also help anyone learn how to go about getting more people to visit a particular website.

First of all, what are RSS Feeds, and what is Traffic Building? Well, in case you did not know what they are, let us start with RSS Feeds. RSS, which like it has already been said, stands for Rich Site Summary; it is a format that is used for regular web content updates. In other words, RSS is a format used in websites that constantly updates information. What purpose does this serve? Well, simply stated, it allows those interested to always get the latest information that is posted on a specific website. Now, having covered the RSS Feeds basic information, is it important for websites (and users)? They sure are because they make it possible for websites to always present the latest, freshest information; users benefit as they can always get the latest information as soon as it is out.

Moving on to Traffic Building, it can be said that the term speaks for itself. Traffic refers to the number of online users that are coursing through the web at one point in time. Building traffic, then, refers to increasing the traffic that websites experience at a given point in time. Now, having explained both of these things it should be clear that the former has an effect on the latter; RSS Feeds has an effect on Traffic Building. Now, it should also be said that there are other ways of building traffic other than RSS Feeds; social media, SEO Optimization, back links, and media articles are all tools that can be used in order to build traffic in one website.

So, this is the most basic information that you need to know about RSS Feeds and about Traffic Building; this brief compendium of information is what we call Rich Site Summary Feeds and Traffic Building 101. Using this information, you will be in a better position to understand what these terms mean, and more importantly, what they implicate to the Internet in general and to online websites in particular. If you are thinking of starting your own website, or if you are simply one of those who love to be in the loop when it comes to the latest developments in the Internet and/or websites (web design, configuration, and maintenance), you might want to look more into RSS and traffic building.

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Smart RSS For Your Business

Over the past decade, countless companies and organizations have found RSS (often used as an acronym for "Really Simple Syndication") to be a cost effective, simple, and excellent means of distributing content. Because of this, Really Simple Syndication has taken the internet by storm. RSS provides an easy way to get your content to your subscribers quickly and reliably, whether it is a blog post, video file, audio file, etc. However, for all its benefits, RSS has a few drawbacks that should be reviewed. Limited security, the inability to properly track your feed's consumption, and the lack of consolidated feeds are just a few of RSS's limitations. There is an alternative, however. It's called Smart RSS and it's quickly on the rise with companies as the reevaluate their stand on RSS publishing.

Security is a concern that many RSS publishers can't afford to ignore. In traditional RSS, it's impossible for a publisher to control where their content goes or how it is used. Not only does RSS lack the ability to monitor and control user lists, its use of HTTP distribution makes data files vulnerable to interception by hackers. Smart RSS data feeds differ from traditional RSS in several ways. Smart RSS makes user control and the tracking of content consumption possible. This means that by using this feature, you're now able to obtain a comprehensive view of what content is most popular, and to whom. To a publisher wishing to optimize their content and website, this data is extremely useful. By knowing who is consuming your content and when, you get a very in-depth look at your audience's desires. Smart RSS also makes it possible to develop a secure list of authorized and authenticated users that you've approved to receive your content. It also introduces SSL security to your distribution, which provides the same level of security used in e-commerce and online financial accounts. If you are still concerned about your content, you can simply institute download limits on each file.

These days, users desire the ability to receive content on various end-point platforms in a variety of formats. Smart Really Simple Syndication takes the hassle out of distributing content and makes it easier than ever for publishers to give users the content they want in the formats they use. In addition, publishers can now manage their distribution channels much more efficiently and adapt them quickly as their needs change.

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Increase Your RSS Subscribers Loyalty

Before you just start submitting your RSS feed, you need to make sure your RSS feed is formed properly, this is accomplished through validation. If your feed is wrong, aggregators will not be able to read your feed, thus you will be losing not only subscribers but also readers.

The most important factor is to have an easy way for your visitors to subscribe to your RSS such as with a button on your homepage or even on each article or post to your blog. This way, they not have to perform any extra work to subscribe making it a more pleasant task. Too many times, webmasters do not provide the tools needed to subscribe or the RSS feed is not created properly, thus visitors are not subscribing to your feed.

Even the placement of the subscribe button is very important. Visitors normally only look at what they see on the screen when they first arrive to your website, unless they wish to read more. The subscribe button should be in plain sight when they arrive. This will allow them to subscribe immediately instead of searching for the button or leaving your website before hitting the button.

Promotion is the next thing on the list is you want to succeed. Just like any website, your RSS feed needs marketing and promoting in order to obtain loyal subscribers.

Email is a great promotional tool. For webmasters that have an email list or subscribers to their newsletter, the promotion is easy. All you need to do is announce the new RSS feed in your newsletter or send out a personal email to your email list. A personal message is always a nice idea for any type of promotion.

If you visit specific blogs or forums regularly, you can easily add your details in your signature or on your profile page so those interested can learn more about your new added feature.

Write and send out a press release! Many times webmasters over look this tool that can actually bring more subscribers faster than other promotional tools. The main reason this is true is that press releases will target those interested in your topics, thus bringing your more visitors and subscribers.

Remember, just by adding a RSS feed to your website will not provide overnight success. It takes work, but by implementing these tips, you will succeed at getting more subscribers and readers.

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Tracking News Through RSS Feeds

RSS feeds offers headlines, links, and descriptions that are sent out as soon as the information or article is posted to a website. This means you can have access to all kinds of news as soon as it hits the press right on your computer or all your chosen topics in one location on the internet.

The first step is to sign up for a news reader service that will allow you to compile all your favorite news topics in one convenient location. This service allows you to choose the various RSS feeds available online so you do not have to search through all the websites you love just to see if they have updated their news.

You can also find some browsers that allow you to read the RSS feeds or a desktop reader so you can read the news without visiting a website. No matter which way you choose you will be able to read all the news that interests you quickly and effortlessly.

You can find the news you desire to add to your feed in a few different ways. On a website offering feeds, you may have to add the URL of the feed, click a button on the website offering the news to add it to your feed, or you may be able to choose from a list on the website. As you are browsing the internet, if you find an interesting website offering a RSS feed, all you have to do is hit the subscription button and the news will be sent to your RSS reader.

Okay, you have reader to go but you do not know where to find websites offering feeds. You can search for these feeds using your favorite search engines using phrases such as feed finder or find a feed. You can just check out the websites you frequent for the orange RSS or XML icon to subscribe. You can also check out RSS directories and blog directories to find your favorite topics.

Now, you will never have to search for news, as it will be sent directly to your chosen reader. You can choose all the topics you desire or the different news agencies that offer RSS feeds and stop searching for the latest news on your favorite topics. Now, with that cup of coffee in the morning you will have all the news at your fingertips and enjoy reading all the headlines.

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